Comedian, Oluwatoyin Bayegun, popularly known as Woli Arole welcomes baby boy with his wife, Yemi. The comedian took to his Instagram page on Sunday where he...
Popular Comedian, Woli Arole has finally walk down the aisle with his beautiful wife, Yemi. The couple had their traditional wedding on Friday, April 9th. The...
Photos and videos from the wedding ceremony of popular Comedian, Woli Arole have surfaced online. Recall that Woli Arole had shared pre-wedding photos on his Instagram...
Nigerian popular Comedian, Woli Arole has expressed his happiness as he set to walk down the aisle with his heart rob, Yemi. The 31 years old comedian...
Popular Nigerian comedian, Woli Arole is set to tie the knot with his beautiful Fiancée. Woli Arole took to his Instagram page and flood his fans...