Barbados declares Rihanna a national hero during a ceremony celebrating the country becoming a republic on November 30.

The ceremony which declared Rihanna as a National hero took place in the capital Bridgetown.
And was well attended by Prince Charles, Barbadian singer Rihanna and other prominent people.
Her home country, Barbados now renounces the rule of Queen Elizabeth ll as the head of state and severing nearly 400 years of colonial bond.
Representing their new found status, the Royal Standard flag, which represented Queen Elizabeth ll was lowered and replaced.
“The time has come to really leave our colonial past behind. Barbadians want a Barbadian head of state” said Dame Sandra Mason in place of Mottley, who was appointed as the governor-general.
Mia Mottley, the current prime Minister of Barbados also announced that Rihanna would be recognised as a national hero.
She said, ‘On behalf of a grateful nation, but an even prouder people, we therefore present to you, the designee, for national hero of Barbados, ambassador Robyn Rihanna Fenty may you continue to shine like a diamond.’