Roses are red, violets are blue, Valentine is here. Love it or hate it. The Daily Page got you covered. Here are retro movies you can watch this valentine.
1. Titanic
You know it the story. You love their love story. Not a new movie, but definitely a classic.
If you’ve not watched it this is the best opportunity for you. Watch the forever inspiring love story of Rose and Jack.
PS: Get you tissues ready, cause you about to cry a river.

2. 50 First Dates.
Staring our favorite Hollywood on-screen couple, Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler.
This movie narrates the love story of Henry, a. Vet doctor who goes on a date with Lucy only for him to find out she has a rare case of amnesia and keeps forgetting him.

3. Valentine’s Day
What better way to start valentine’s day than to start with a movie named after the day.
This movie is a rom-com, starring Jenifer Garner. It tells the story of several couples who face challenges in their relationship and others trying to find love.
All this on Valentine’s Day. Don’t you dare not watch it. I got both eyes on you.

4. The Notebook.
Definitely and absolutely a must-watch. In this movie Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams star as a couple who fall in love in the 40’s but end up separated because of some circumstances you will only know if you watch it. In the present, an Elderly man tells their story to a nursing home patient.

5. The Princess Bride.
Get ready for your knight in shining armour, let’s go back in time real quick.
The princess bride is a fairytale movie that tells the story of a farmer goes on an adventure to be reunited with the lobe of his life. Watch it today or forever hold your #####